Friday, March 29, 2013

Spring Time Maintenance

This is the time of year for some very important Preventative Maintenance items that are so necessary to be completed to avoid some extra repair costs later on.  If the repairs become emergencies then they need to be done and many times as an emergency repair which in most cases shots up the cost of the repair.

Number one on the list should be your Air Conditioner.  Did you  know that as the unit sits it is not being circulated and the law of gravity allows for some loss of Freon naturally.  This small amount needs to be replaced at least once a year.  If you do not the system is not working at it's optimum and the system will work harder, can freeze and will wear out parts easier.  The cost to the occupant will be higher cooling costs and inconvenience when the system freezes up.  The answer to this is to have the regular maintenance done on the system.  Make sure you have someone that is honest so that you are not paying for something that is not wrong.  This is a tough area.  Probably the best way to determine who to use is by asking your friends or neighbors for a recommendation. 

You may be asking yourself how the heck I know anything about air conditioning systems?  Well I am a certified a/c technician.  So I am speaking with experience and knowledge in this area.  I know that you can save yourselves some money in repairs and operating cost. 

For More information on prevenative maintenance tips, with ac units as well as other tips for the spring maintenance season go to

Next time we will talk about ways to save on your overall energy costs.  Stay Tuned

My Best

Tammy Rodriguez

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