Thursday, January 10, 2008

Will It Ever Get Better?

Our economy seems to be sinking faster and faster. Is there any hope of recovery? South West Florida is down 12% in the housing market with the nation being 7% down. Being above the national average brings even more stress to our local economy. So when and how will there be a change upward?

There are signs to show that by the end of 2008 we should be seeing a sign of the turn. Excess building accounts for a lot of the local problem here in Lee county as well as of course the banking mess. With the interest rates dropping that will create a demand in the market that will help the turn around. So if this is the case, what can we do to survive for the next 12 months or so?

For us Real Estate Professionals, we need to "get back to the basics". Now more than ever is the time to focus on customer service like no other time. Additionally we need to downsize our operations and stay in the game. Real Estate professionals are dropping out like flys. If we remain steadfast, we will be here to accept the business as it comes in first in the dribbles and then the flow will come back and we need to be ready and know the market trends as they change.

I personally look at this time as a time of challange and refuse to give up or in and will be here to help those looking for homes to buy and sell now and for many years to come.