Tuesday, October 27, 2009

$8000 Tax Credit for First Time Homebuyer Extension?

It appears likely that the U.S. Senate will go forward and approve an extension of the First-Time Homebuyer Tax Credit.

Will there be a catch though? they want some fiscal offset for the cost of the extension. That could stir up a "hornets nest" for some.

What appears to be most likely to pass is an extension of the $8000 through March 31, 2010 and then a drop of $2,000 for each quarter following.

Hearry Reid- Navada's Senate Majoriey Leader and Senate Finance Committee Chairman is the leader of the extension.

Let's support this plan and call your Senator's to let them know you support it. We as a group should be able to make it happen.

We will watch the news closely for udates. Check for those updates on www.aaarealtyllc.com


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