AAA Realty LLC is committed to Listing your Property at a price that will sell. You will lose out on the most activity you have on your home if you overprice it. That is a fact that is backed up with statistics. In the first 30 days, your home will get the most attention and especially in the first 7 days. If you don't have it priced within about 100-105% of it's market value, you most likely will have to reduce it below than 100% to sell it. If you listed it correctly, you would get the sale quicker and for more money.
Greed is the biggest reason for over-pricing. A broker doesn't want to lose a listing but in the same token, we are not helping the seller. If we all band together and get on board with stopping the excessive overpricing by better educating our sellers, we will be more efficient listing brokers. None of us want to just list a home for nothing. Just to say we have a listing. It's a lot of work to do for getting nothing out of it.
The one difficulty I have with a potential seller is helping them to understand that I am not pricing a home to sell quick so I get paid. I am evaluating what is best for my client. I never think about the pay out. That comes with hard work. The numbers just don't lie. We need to evaluate the sold properties that compare with the potential sale and sold as the best indicator of market value. If the home is appraised (it definitely will be if financing is involved) and the home appraises for under the market value, we will lose the deal anyway.
Bottom line is that we must take action and do it right. Please understand if you are a seller that the words of wisdom in this blog post is worth real money in your pocket. All for free by the way.
I hope this will earn us some listings as we can assure you that we will do what's right to earn your business and then sell it so you can be successful in your goals that you set in doing so.
Check us out on the web at or give us a call at 239-368-8520.
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