Sunday, February 13, 2011

Security in Our Homes

There is so much burglary crimes in our area we have been researching ways to greatly reduce or maybe even eliminate the amount of this type of crime for our homes that AAA Realty LLC manages. A couple of us representing our office attended a security seminar and left with some great ideas and plan to implement them very soon. Most of the methods are cheap and can be very affective.
The very first thing that we recommend to all our owners with vacant homes is to get the electric in your name while the home is vacant. It is the very first line of attack for a thief. Many of them drive around neighborhoods and look for lights that are cut off. When the electric company gets a discontinue or cutoff notice, they place a red tag on the electric meter. Thieves know this and look for these tags and know that when they have one, they are probably dealing with a vacant home. Great target for them. Now they will find a way in the home and in most cases can just pull their vehicle into the garage and close it while they go to work stealing appliances, ac units and water systems. When they leave in most cases no one is none the wiser. If you have your lights on, they might just keep on going to the next one- deterrent worked, hopefully.
The next very important thing is to make the property look lived in. How? 
Put some boots "muddy is great" and put them outside your front yard.
Hold all mail. A bunch of old junk mail in a mailbox is sure sign of a vacant home. Stop all mail delivery.
Call local newspaper and stop the delivery, even if the free paper. Old Papers are a no no in your yard.
Window blinds on all windows and have them closed. Again another deterrent- not easy to determine if someone is home or not.
Lites on timers- again looks like someone is home. I have also seen where a note is left that says use your key and come in. The dog needs to be fed and we will be right back. Make that more believable with a dog water dish out front and a Beware of Dog sign posted.
Talk to the neighbors. Tell them you would appreciate them keeping an eye on the home for you. Give them some names and numbers of who to call if something looks unusual.  This in itself can be your best deterrent.
There is a couple more invasive things and even more simple easy inexpensive things that can be done to save on a loss to property.
Go to our website at for more info on our property management services.
Chow For Now,
Tammy Rodriguez
Broker/ owner
AAA Realty LLC  

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