Friday, July 27, 2007

Licensed & Insured... Is the contractor you've hired really?

I was reading about a supposing "landscaper" who is taking advantage of poor unsuspecting citizens. He prices jobs for tree and bush trimming and then never finishes the job. Also that he is known to dump the debris all over Lehigh. If this does not put you on aware, it should. This is an all too common occurrence. There bill may say "Licensed and Insured" but it's only words in most cases. If you want to try and avoid being a victim of this "scam" from supposing "contractors" you might want to follow the advice below:
  1. Check the cities website to see if the company is in fact licensed. The place to search is this web site.
  2. Ask to see their insurance policy. They should be able to provide you with the declarations page that shows the coverage and the expiration date.
  3. Ask to see their workers compensation policy or exemption from one.
  4. Ask for references (at least three) and then call make sure you call them.

This can help avoid most cases of fraud that you will encounter. If you find that the person is not licensed, you can report it to this number: 239-553-6000

Additionally if you find that they have no workers compensation or exemption from such, you can call 239-278-7091.

If everyone does their part we can put a stop to these vagrants from taking advantage of us and our fellow citizens. You are taking a huge chance when you hire a unlicensed or uninsured business. You can be sued by them if they get hurt and also not to mention, (OK I will mention) that if they do damage to your property, you will have little or no recourse.

Save yourself and others from these unscrupulous people and use licensed and insured businesses to work for you and report the one's that are not.

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