Monday, July 30, 2007

Schools almost back in session

If you have school aged children, now is the time to start preparing for the August 20th starting date. If uniforms are needed, Walmart is a great choice to buy them. They stock a huge inventory of the generic uniforms needed in Lehigh Acres Schools. Also if you go to Walmart you can get the list of your schools supply list for your child's school and grade. Then you can get those supplies right there. One stop shop for all your back to school needs.

The kids look forward to summer vacation but after the long weeks of "nothing to do" they are excited to get back in most cases. Each school has an open house prior to school start date and this is usually announced through an invitation in the mail. If you forgot or did not get one, you can google their school name and find their web site. It will be listed there.

My only advice is to shop early and don't stress yourselves by waiting until the last minute for back to school uniforms and supplies. You and your body will be happy not to put that extra stress on yourself.

Happy Shopping

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Foreclosure on the Forefront?

If you are facing a Foreclosure, you are not alone. Statistics show that another 2.5 millions homeowners will default over the next two years. So if this is where you find yourself or may be heading towards, we want to try and help. AAA Realty LLC is conducting a first time homeowner monthly seminar and we have rearranged it to include how you might be able to save your home and what options may be available to try and save it and if you feel there is no other option, what you can do to try and salvage your credit.

Get in on our next seminar by going to our website at and click on monthly seminar and sign up. It's free and if nothing else you will be able to be more informed of your options.

It's always important to be proactive.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Licensed & Insured... Is the contractor you've hired really?

I was reading about a supposing "landscaper" who is taking advantage of poor unsuspecting citizens. He prices jobs for tree and bush trimming and then never finishes the job. Also that he is known to dump the debris all over Lehigh. If this does not put you on aware, it should. This is an all too common occurrence. There bill may say "Licensed and Insured" but it's only words in most cases. If you want to try and avoid being a victim of this "scam" from supposing "contractors" you might want to follow the advice below:
  1. Check the cities website to see if the company is in fact licensed. The place to search is this web site.
  2. Ask to see their insurance policy. They should be able to provide you with the declarations page that shows the coverage and the expiration date.
  3. Ask to see their workers compensation policy or exemption from one.
  4. Ask for references (at least three) and then call make sure you call them.

This can help avoid most cases of fraud that you will encounter. If you find that the person is not licensed, you can report it to this number: 239-553-6000

Additionally if you find that they have no workers compensation or exemption from such, you can call 239-278-7091.

If everyone does their part we can put a stop to these vagrants from taking advantage of us and our fellow citizens. You are taking a huge chance when you hire a unlicensed or uninsured business. You can be sued by them if they get hurt and also not to mention, (OK I will mention) that if they do damage to your property, you will have little or no recourse.

Save yourself and others from these unscrupulous people and use licensed and insured businesses to work for you and report the one's that are not.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Jaguar Blvd is Finally Re-paved

I don't know if you are as excited as I am but finally after many cars have been made rattle traps after venturing on this road that was full of pot holes that would swallow the old Yugo (if they were still around). I went to show a property off Jaguar just yesterday prepared with helmet and iron vest to venture down once again the all too familiar road with more holes than road, and I had to squint several times. The road was just paved! Our tax dollars finally used for something necessary. Go Lehigh! I know it's just a tip of the iceberg but you have to be encouraged that we are moving up. Keep that tar coming, there is lots more needed.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Arbys Is Finally Coming to Lehigh

Yes! Have you ever tried a Market Fresh Sandwich from Arbys? Well you will have your chance. Soon to be here. I drove by the location, just in front on the old Kmart (now a stage school for a new elementary school) and low and behold finally they broke ground. We were all excited to here that Arbys was coming but my goodness, it's been over a year with nothing but the demolition of the old Juicy Lucy building that set empty for over 3 years. We waited and waited for the new Arbys to break ground. Finally they have broke ground and the project is under way.

One of the things we need as far as infrastructure in this town is more eateries. Although sit-down service restaurants are needed even more, this fast food style with Roast Beef Sandwiches their specialty. They introduced Market Fresh Sandwiches and Wraps and now you can enjoy home style sandwiches.

Kids love their choice of meals with the crust cut off on all their bread choices. Also the original famous Roast Beef on a Sesame Seed Bun is available in a petite size, just for kids. Choice of homesyle fries or curly makes for a "can't go wrong" choice for the whole family.

Also we don't want to forget they serve breakfast. Most of the same type breakfast sandwiches as the other fast food types but one choice we will all love is the "TJ Cinnamon's" pecan sticky bun. They are admissibly "to die for".

We don't know the opening scheduled date but we will keep an eye out and let you know when we know. Until then to keep those taste buds happy you can still go the closest location off Daniels Parkway, right by I-75.