When consideration of selling your home is on the table, understanding what it is worth is a primary consideration. You may be thinking of buying a bigger home or possibly you are being offered a position with a firm that takes you out of state. It could be that your children have gone off to college and you're wanting to downsize and possibly retire in a condo on the beach. Whatever the reason and whoever you are, the bottom line is when selling a home, needing to know what you can hope to sell it for is a necessary part of the process.
There are options to find some information pertaining to homes sold like yours in a given area. There is even free ways you can seek this info out. One example is Zillow.com. You can type in your address and Zillow will give you a "Zestimate" or estimate of what they think the home is worth. Try it out if you haven't yet. It's a systematic tool. The issue lies with that it simply uses homes in the neighborhood vs like-same properties without considering other things like, updates, remodels, tile vs carpet, new vs 20 year old roof etc. There are some huge variables here. If there is either a price increase or decrease in the market, the time that it takes to change in this tool may be far from accurate.
Another choice is that you can contact a Realtor. They are the professionals and are "in the business" of selling homes. How can they help you decide what your home is worth? A Realtor can give you a pretty accurate CMA or Competitive Market Analysis. Realtor's have access to a local board that share's all their listing in a Multiple Listing System or MLS. Using this system they are able to search out properties like yours and are able to utilize the system to make this analysis close to what you can expect to sell your home for. They can change the variables that may make one home different than the other and use the "going rates" to make adjustments in the price of your home. This is a much better alternative to using an automated system.
There is still another alternative that we want to address. It is the most through way of determining what your home will sell for. It is by far, the best tool to use. It is so, because it covers most variables that can affect a home's price- The Home Itself! Named after it's usefulness, the "Premier Home Audit" is chock full of utilities. It get's down deep and dirty! It's full of information that really gives you the ultimate facts about the home, neighborhood and gives ideas and suggestions of items that could or should be addressed to get the best possible price for the home. Then after determining what needs to be addressed if anything, you can then use the info to build the best marketing plan for selling the home that is unmatched to any of the other options listed above. This Audit is proprietary and is done by a licensed Realtor. It will help you net the best price for your home and you will want to utilize the Realtor doing the audit to list your home due to their knowledge, ethics and determination to earn your business.
Here's the best part of the process. It's done absolutely Free of Charge by any agent at AAA Realty LLC. We understand that we need to be different and we want to earn your business. We do that by doing our job better than anyone else out there does. You will hear us use the term "earn your business" a lot as we work hard for you so see that we do sincerely and loyally work to "earn" your business.
To get more information on our Premier Home Audit or to sing up for yours today go to http://www.aaarealtyllc.com and click on Listing Your Property For Sale and sign up for the audit or call us toll free at 1-888-243-1720. You can also click here.
Till next time,
Tammy Rodriguez
Your Broker
AAA Realty LLC