Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Service For Life!

My new Newsletter is being sent to all my family, friends, clients and hope to be clients on a monthly basis.  It is funny, full of great tips, insightful, and so much more.  To show you a typical article that you will see in my newsletter, I have reprinted one of the articles below. 

The Dangers of Drinking Soda

Liquid candy...that’s what it’s been called as far back as 1942. Here we are, over a half a century later, and scientists continue to study the effects of soda drinks on the body. Now there’s mounting medical evidence that drinking even one sweetened soda drink a day can be harmful to your health...not to mention your children’s health.

The National Soft Drink Association reports that the average soda consumption is 600 servings (12-oz ) per person per year. That number has tripled for boys and doubled for girls since 1978.

In a study conducted at the Harvard School of Public Health, researchers found that women who drank one sugar soda drink a day had an 85% greater risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. The researchers also found that soft drinks contributed to weight gain and obesity in the women in the study.

The danger doesn’t stop there. Add to that, additives like caffeine stimulants, phosphoric acid (which can cause calcium loss), artificial flavors, fructose (hard on your liver), and you have a recipe for disaster.

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